Michigan Colleges & Universities with Reputable Music Programs
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC – www.music.umich.edu: Founded in 1880, the University of Michigan School of Music is one of the finest performing arts schools in the United States. Encompassing programs in dance, music, musical theatre, and theatre, we are consistently ranked among the top performing arts schools in the country when compared with performance-oriented conservatories or with prestigious academic departments of music.
MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC – www.music.msu.edu: The College of Music at Michigan State University is known throughout the United States and in many parts of the world as a leading professional training ground for composers, conductors, performers, and music educators, historians, theorists and therapists.
EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC – www.emich.edu/music: The Eastern Michigan University Department of Music strives to promote lifelong musical learning, to prepare students for professional careers in music, and to advance the cultural life of the campus, community, and beyond.
CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC – www.mus.cmich.edu: The CMU School of Music’s faculty’s reputation as outstanding performers, conductors, composers, and, most importantly, educators is known throughout the nation. Students in the school immediately sense an unyielding commitment to quality music education on the part of each faculty member.
WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC – www.wmich.edu/music: The School of Music at Western Michigan University is dedicated to music as an art form that elevates the lives of all who experience it; that embraces and transcends the entire range of human emotion, expression, and community that is vital to the cultural enrichment of society.
WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC – www.music.wayne.edu: Founded in 1918, Wayne State University’s Department of Music has earned a reputation for excellence in the US and abroad. Many members of the music faculty, including musicians from the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and some of the area’s finest jazz and vocal artists, have toured throughout the world as performers, clinicians, conductors and composers. Likewise, students in the department’s ensembles have won international competitions, toured Europe and Asia, and enjoyed repeated invitations to perform at major festivals and conferences. The department also is known for its preparation of music educators.
OAKLAND UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC, THEATER, & DANCE –https://www.oakland.edu/smtd/: Oakland University’s School of Music, Theatre and Dance is a leading center of performing arts education in southeast Michigan, offering outstanding educational and performance opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students. The department offers a range of academic degree programs in various concentrations. MTD students enjoy small classes to learn and grow as musicians, actors and dancers in a collaborative and supportive environment.
GRAND VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC, THEATRE, AND DANCE - https://www.gvsu.edu/mtd/: The Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance is a student-centered learning community that prepares students to be productive citizens, performers, teachers and scholars while contributing to the enrichment of society through creative and excellent teaching, performing, active scholarship, and public service.
MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC – www.music.msu.edu: The College of Music at Michigan State University is known throughout the United States and in many parts of the world as a leading professional training ground for composers, conductors, performers, and music educators, historians, theorists and therapists.
EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC – www.emich.edu/music: The Eastern Michigan University Department of Music strives to promote lifelong musical learning, to prepare students for professional careers in music, and to advance the cultural life of the campus, community, and beyond.
CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC – www.mus.cmich.edu: The CMU School of Music’s faculty’s reputation as outstanding performers, conductors, composers, and, most importantly, educators is known throughout the nation. Students in the school immediately sense an unyielding commitment to quality music education on the part of each faculty member.
WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC – www.wmich.edu/music: The School of Music at Western Michigan University is dedicated to music as an art form that elevates the lives of all who experience it; that embraces and transcends the entire range of human emotion, expression, and community that is vital to the cultural enrichment of society.
WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC – www.music.wayne.edu: Founded in 1918, Wayne State University’s Department of Music has earned a reputation for excellence in the US and abroad. Many members of the music faculty, including musicians from the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and some of the area’s finest jazz and vocal artists, have toured throughout the world as performers, clinicians, conductors and composers. Likewise, students in the department’s ensembles have won international competitions, toured Europe and Asia, and enjoyed repeated invitations to perform at major festivals and conferences. The department also is known for its preparation of music educators.
OAKLAND UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC, THEATER, & DANCE –https://www.oakland.edu/smtd/: Oakland University’s School of Music, Theatre and Dance is a leading center of performing arts education in southeast Michigan, offering outstanding educational and performance opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students. The department offers a range of academic degree programs in various concentrations. MTD students enjoy small classes to learn and grow as musicians, actors and dancers in a collaborative and supportive environment.
GRAND VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC, THEATRE, AND DANCE - https://www.gvsu.edu/mtd/: The Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance is a student-centered learning community that prepares students to be productive citizens, performers, teachers and scholars while contributing to the enrichment of society through creative and excellent teaching, performing, active scholarship, and public service.