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The Marysville Viking Regiment, Freshmen Band, Concert Band and Symphonic Bands have a rich history of strong band performances.
Much of this is due to the high expectations of staff and the relentless work of the students. Be sure to know, though, there is no replacement for the support of the caring adults in a band student's life. Your role can never be, nor should it ever be, minimized. Behind every good band performance is a loving adult who makes sure their individual student is practicing, receiving appropriate private instruction, wearing appropriate uniforms, has necessary accessories for their instruments, gets their student to all events and all the other little things that go unnoticed. Thank you for helping to keep the "Standard of Excellence" that has been established consistently throughout the Marysville Instrumental Program!
Marysville Bands achievements under the direction of Dennis Duso
Freshmen Marching Band, established 1999 MSBOA Marching Band Festival - Division I with the exception of four bands receiving Division II MSBOA Concert Band Festival - Division I's since 1997 with the exception of 2002 and 2006 receiving Division II
Marysville Viking Regiment MSBOA Marching Band Festival - Straight Division I's since 1996 MCBA Marching Band Competition - State Qualified and appearance at State Finals since 1998 with the exception of 2004. MCBA STATE RUNNER UP - 2009 (Fight For Freedom Show) MCBA STATE RUNNER UP - 2021 (A Day At The Ballpark) Combined Bands Disney World Performances - 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022
Detroit Thanksgiving Day Parade - 2003, 2006 (awarded best band), 2009(won battle of the bands), 2012, 2015, 2018, 2021
In addition, students have consistently scored Division I and Division II's at MSBOA Solo/Ensemble.